March 14, 2014

Inspirasi Hari Ini

Day 1

Seorang teman baru saja memposting foto groupies kami dari acara perpisahan seorang kolega tadi siang. Komentar dalam hati saya saat pertama kali melihat foto itu adalah, "whaaaat.. why should she post this one! I look so freakin' chubby in that pic, damn.."

But then I realized, all of my other picture were actually full with the chubbiness indeed  *gubrak*

So, as a result, instead of scream my protest to her, I shall better keep my mouth shut and work out to remove all those extra cheek.

*brb, angkat pantat, setel video senamnya Tante Berty Tilarso #ciatttt

Realita: cuma relokasi dr kursi tivi ke kasur x))