November 03, 2012

It’s Bond, James Bond. #Skyfall - The review

This is what I called an action movie!

I gotta admit I have never watched James Bond movie at the theater in my twenty six years of life. (Yeah, you can mock on me for this)

Been watching Bond’s old movie from my father’s collection, and not a fan, until now.

This current Bond, is seriously define the real action movie. No exaggerated weapon, they keep it simple and real, though still with super-agent personal power.

You will be served with crazily good series of action from the beginning and I gotta tell you, the Skyfall song is a complete match for the movie. Viva la Adele! :)

Slipped in between the opening to next chapter on the movie, the fx applied for the movie soundtrack is well played.

You will also find one or two refreshing humors in it, and it’s very good. What’s also good are those cities view captured in the movie, I find some of it, breathtaking.

The ending is also a good closure, and as a closing, this 007 is successfully enchanting me. I am now a fan. 

August 19, 2012

Happy Ied Fitri!!

udah lama gak nulis, kangen euy..

First thing first, mohon maaf lahir batin utk semua teman yang suka berkunjung kemari.

Maaf ya kalo blog-nya suka jarang diupdate, been busy lately with the pace of life :)

Hopefully more update I will load into this blog in the future (secara gw masi punya utang buat kelarin cerita travelling di Paris, Bandung, Bali dan beberapa tempat lainnya >> banyak ya bok!! #sigh) :))

That's all for now, mate!

Let's start fresh from now, mulai dr nol yaaa...


August 02, 2012

In attempt to :) & PoliticaWave

Politics info:

Corruptions: & PoliticaWave

ingin Jakartaku..

Sebagian besar dari 24 jam hidup para pekerja di Jakarta mungkin dihabiskan di jalan. Bukannya kota ini tanpa cela maupun selah, tetapi pesonanya memang tak tertahankan bagi masyarakat kebanyakan. Tidak hanya fakta bahwa lebih dari separuh uang yang dihasilkan oleh Indonesia berputar di Jakarta, namun kota ini memang memiliki keunggulannya sendiri.

Tak perlu dijelaskan dimananya, sebab saya sendiri tidak akan tahan jika diasingkan dari kota ini lebih dari satu bulan. Rindu macetnya, rindu ritmenya, rindu orang-orangnya (yang cenderung ‘gila’), rindu magnet Jakarta.

Akan tetapi, tak kurang dari setahun terakhir ini, saya mulai merasakan adanya perubahan pada Jakarta. Bukan perubahan yang baik, sayangnya. Kota ini makin kejam, makin rusuh, makin mumet dan menjadi tidak menyenangkan. Mulai dari lalu lintasnya yang semakin tidak karuan karena terlalu banyak kendaraan pribadi, genangan air (baca: banjir) setelah hujan maupun gerimis, serta polusi udara yang semakin mencekik nafas.

Lantas dimana peran pemerintah yang seharusnya bisa mencegah kota ini dari kehancurannya?

Saya berharap Jakarta memiliki transportasi publiknya sendiri. Yang aman, nyaman dan tepat waktu. Bukan hanya sekedar Trans Jakarta yang belakangan ini justru memiliki permasalahannya sendiri. Tinggal sebut saja: terbakar ketika sedang beroperasi, banjir di dalamnya saat hujan deras tiba, tiba-tiba mogok, penumpangnya yang terlalu padat dipaksakan karena kurangnya armada, belum lagi waktu tunggunya yang sama sekali tidak dapat diprediksi.

Rencana pembangunan MRT sendiri membawa angin segar bagi kebanyakan masyarakat umum yang masih bergantung pada transportasi publik dalam aktivitas harian mereka. Semoga saja MRT ini tidak hanya sekedar wacana, apalagi hanya teronggok layaknya tiang pancang di Patal Senayan (yang pada akhirnya malah dijadikan fondasi jalan layang).

Harapan adanya sistem transportasi publik yang memungkinkan perjalanan dari satu ujung Jakarta ke ujung lainnya dalam waktu tidak lebih dari satu jam, mungkin saat ini masih sekedar impian. Jika hal ini terwujud, maka dapat dipastikan Jakarta akan dapat lebih berkembang dari keadaan sekarang. Bahan bakar tidak akan habis terbuang percuma karena ratusan kendaraan pribadi yang terjebak macet sehari-hari. Tingkat stres yang dihadapi penduduknya juga pasti akan menurun. Secara otomatis, produktivitas ibukota akan meningkat.

Satu lagi yang saya impikan dari Jakarta: perbanyak taman kota!

Kota ini butuh tempat rekreasi yang bukan lagi berupa mall atau pusat perbelanjaan lainnya, sekaligus paru-paru kota yang bisa membantu mengurangi polusi udara yang semakin dominan belakangan ini.

Jakarta yang aman dan nyaman, itu yang saya impikan.

Pada akhirnya, Gubernur yang dibutuhkan kota Jakarta tidak lagi hanya sekedar mereka yang punya pengalaman, tetapi lebih pada mereka yang punya visi dalam menjadikan ibukota negara ini jauh lebih baik daripada keadaan saat ini, terbebas dari segala agenda ‘kantong’ pribadi maupun agenda para pendukungnya.

April 15, 2012

La Fontaine de Trevi, here we come!

When visiting Rome, Trevi fountain is also one of the must visit spot. Superstitiously speaking, if we throw a coin to the pond, and make a wish, the wish will become reality :) Unfortunately, there are so many crowds over there, and enjoying a peaceful moment in front of the fountain is kinda hard to get. But of course the coin throwing is not being forget as must do item there, in attempt to get what I wishes for, I chose to throw a big value coin. A thousand value of a coin.

not in euro thought, instead the Indonesian Rupiah coin *merky :))

As the sun getting low, we’re continues the exploration. Visit souvenirs shop and buy some item that I believe only available in this place. I found a great collection of Venetians masks, but again since it’s quite a fragile thing, I skip buying it. The pictures, however are kept on my mind :)

Though there are quite much of unique souvenirs there, there is one server (immigrant worker from Philippine) that acted just like a biyatch. Hey store owner, you might wanna control your worker some time.

We were going to go to a Thousand Steps tourist spot nearby, but since it’s getting dark, and we’re having trouble looking for the right direction, we’re skipping the search and change the direction to the nearby diner, yeay!!

Rome, part.2

After exploring Colosseum and taking amazing picture of the site, we goes around the market stand nearby, you may found lots of interesting souvenir of mini gladiator there. Though it was tempting to buy, I decided not to buy those goodies since I’m backpacking travel here :) Imagine that it will be troubling to be brought during my travel time.

Here, you will find a Travel Angel, an agent who will be your tourist info, riding on their two wheels scooter-ride, and answering your question about tourism in Rome, an interesting idea for tourism in your city.

We were planning to go to the Vatican and seeing its famous Sistine chamber, but since it was almost half past three PM and we’re still in Colosseum area, we decided to cancel it. The Vatican itself is closed at 3p, we wouldn't get there on time anyhow.

We are then heading to Pantheon using city Bus. A bit confusing since we have no city map, but thankfully people there are very friendly and helpful (though different person provide different information :D)

The roads in Rome are quite different with Paris. The city’s blocked with a lot of small pathway that leads us to center of the district with its amazing view.

Pantheon was actually build as Romans sanctuary. As usual the architecture were amazing with its Rotunda & Oculus (some sort of a sun hole) on top of it, marble stone used as its floor and mega size building as common structure of Europe’s building. In front of the Pantheon, you’ll find a boulevard where people gathering and enjoying the beautiful sky and amazing calm of an ambiance there. Nearby you will find lots of resto and café sells Gelato. You should try to enjoy the afternoon over there and find inner peace of mind while you’re there.

Continues exploring the area, we find a wooden souvenir shop nearby (Bartolucci). The souvenirs they sell are all amazing, wooden creation that very smooth and beautiful in its essence. The wooden maker were also can be found there. This is a must visit shop, and since the goodies are easily carried and no such fragile, I bought one of its cutest product :)

April 14, 2012

Round and round in Rome

Arriving in Roma, of course we have to visit the one and only Colosseum!!

We’re taking Metro from Roma city station. Different from Paris, Rome’s metro station is far from convenient. The station itself quite dumpy and smells like pee :(

The lighting is awful *well, not that I’m expecting a hyper over lighting, but a sufficient light on metro station such in Paris would be nice. As far as I remember, I can’t find Roma Metro map hanging on their metro wall. No officer available enough to be inquired about any information needed. The entry itself were quite neglected, I can see several tourist also having the same trouble as I am finding correct direction. So if you ever thinking of exploring Roma in backpacker way and staying overnight at their Metro station, you might wanna think again :D

Thankfully the metro ticket were included in the Roma Pass, so no need to bother buying the ticket it the station. As if the creepy ambience in the Metro station weren’t enough, the cleanliness of the area also definitely need some improvement!

The Colosseum were only two station away from Metro Central station, thanks God! Though I feel kinda dizzy (might b’coz of the tap water or the late-jet-lag :P) I am excited to visit that place. Exiting from metro station, the city present the great Colosseum. It might always invite us a WOW for everyone seeing that venue for the first time. It’s huge, it’s historical, it’s magical and very… grand *speechless*

Since I’ve felt hungry already, I decided to drag my friend to eat at the café in front of it. What’s on the menu? Hmm.. since we’re in Italy, let’s try some Italian food, Lasagna it is then!

Try some bites of it, the taste is unsatisfying :( they should’ve made a better food here, since the spot is awesome they supposed to complete it with great food. Yet, we meet another traveler, two ladies hang out together, meet up with another traveler *really need to find the record of their email so I can keep contact with’em

After meals, we’re heading directly to the Colosseum, the queuing turns out to be horrible, it’s a long queue to entering the site. Thankfully, we bought the Roma Pass, and entry ticket to Colosseum is included. Yesss!! See, this is this is the advantage having their pass :)

Inside, the view is amazing, though the site were under some renovations, I can still feel the ambience, it’s glorious time when the Romans used to use this area for Gladiator era. This Colosseum is definitely a place to visit before you die :D

March 24, 2012

Touchdown Italy!

Satu hal yang sangat terasa saat menginjakkan kaki di Roma untuk pertama kalinya pada pertengahan Oktober kali itu adalah sinar mentari yang jauh lebih banyak dibanding Paris. Terang bercahaya, namun tetap berangin, so I guess I'm gonna still keep the jacket on :D

Setibanya di airport, kami segera menuju stand informasi turis, ternyata mereka juga menjual Roma Pass, of course we buy it, it’s like a tour guide for the city new comer, it’s not as pricy as Paris Pass anyhow :D *well this is a tips for thee backpacker, once you saw tourist info, you might wanna check it out. It'll be useful for sure*

Kesan pertama yang saya dapatkan dari Roma adalah betapa standar biaya kehidupan disini jauh lebih rendah daripada Paris. Shuttle bus dari airport hanya ditebus dengan harga 1.5Euro saja. Yah, walaupun tingkat kenyamanannya tidak lebih baik dari bus patas AC di Jakarta, but it’s still acceptable.

Tata kota daerah ini agak lebih semerawut dari Paris, tapi layaknya kota-kota di Eropa, tetep aja ada yang diluar kebiasaan, disana saya menemukan arsitektur macam miniatur Arc d’Triomph di pinggir jalan ajah. Keren!

Petualangan perdana di Italy kali ini memang sengaja kami biarkan least planned. No hotel booking, We’re just saving on travel destination as the guideline. We’ll that’s a must!

Off of the bus, kami lalu mencari akomodasi yang sesuai budget, tanpa arah spesifik, hanya bejralan sambil bertualang. Got the hotel with E30-40/night, dengan rate yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan di Paris, hotel di Roma memiliki fasilitas yang lumayan lebih bagus dari hotel kami di Paris.

People here speak English quite well, so, no need to worry about not speaking their language. Though knowing one or two Italian basic words wouldn’t hurt. Selain itu, mereka terlihat lebih ramah dan memiliki cara bicara yang berapi-api. Jangan lupakan gerakan tangan mereka yang selalu ikut ‘berbicara’ :D

March 04, 2012

Negri 5 Menara

Menonton film ini kembali mengingatkan saya bahwa Indonesia masih memiliki banyak pemandangan indah yang belum terjamah maupun terekspos oleh dunia luar, khususnya daerah Maninjau di Sumatera Barat yang menjadi salah satu tempat pengambilan gambarnya-menurut info seorang teman.

Para aktor maupun aktris yang bermain sebelum memasuki fase akhir cerita berhasil menampilkan penokohan yang kuat, salut untuk acting anak-anak kecil geng sahibul Menara itu. Nilai plus untuk wajah-wajah atraktif nan menawan yang ditampilkan, khususnya si pak guru yang bertugas keliling jaga malam dan guru yang menjadi ketua angkatan kelas I *wink wink*, selain itu, akting Lulu Tobing yang sudah lama tidak muncul di layar kaca juga mampu mengobati kerinduan penggemarnya.

Bagian awal hingga klimaks dari cerita ini sungguh baik terpapar, sayangnya karena durasi atau entah apa, penutupan dari film ini terkesan begitu sangat dipadatkan sehingga merusak nilai cerita secara keseluruhan.

Walaupun tema cerita yang ada kurang lebih menyerupai genre film macam Laskar Pelangi, pesan kehidupan yang ingin disampaikan dalam cerita ini juga bisa tercapai dengan baik. Bahwa kita belum tentu tahu apa yang terbaik untuk hidup kita, maka jabat dan jalani apa yang ada di depan mata, barulah kita tahu mana yang terbaik dan..

Man Jadda Wajadait’s not the sharpest who will get what he wants, but the one who wants it the most & do the biggest effort will / bukan yang tertajam, tapi yang paling tekun usahanyalah yang akan mendapatkan apa yang ia inginkan.”

It’s an inspiring movie of a story…

February 16, 2012

Underworld - Awakening

Well, this is the reason why such movie is not really my-genre.

At the beginning of this movie, you will be presented with quite an action and a great performance by Kate Beckinsale, physically. Several execisive blood spills here and there, then followed up with thrilling, as usual, Lycans appearance.

The movie flows to a quite surprising conflict, the idea is ok, but the actualization of such idea is a different case. It seems for me like a combo of Exorcism and vampire/monster like movie. Though the background view and graphic of this movie is awesome, especially when you watch the 3D version, it seems unfulfilling and bit of anti-climacs for this Underworld series.

Not forget to mention that this one only last for less than an hour and a half, but since there are quite lot of surprising scene, the good surprising kind, then I could probably recommended this movie for couples out there (just in case the girls want to pretend frightened by the scene and steal a hug from the partner :P)

In summary, I’ll give it a rate 5.5 of 8 :)

February 13, 2012

Life - Again..

Since this life is an ongoing process, so yes, I might continue discussing this matter and my theory on it.

Do you remember that, might be in your lowest part of your life, in which you made a simple joke and swore on yourself that you will never do a thing that could possibly be the worst thing ever happen to you or one of your friend, in the future, closely related to what is happening in current period of time??

I remember one of my best friends and I do such thing :)

And back to present, that horrible thing ever imagine come to your life as an option of a choice that seems to be leaving you in a hard position. So you stuck in between, whether you keep living the life you dislike, or choose that other choice. Which one will you be picking up?

That one horrible choice might be giving you the light at the end of the road, instead of keep living in the same constant road you’ve been pathing in.

I honestly don’t know which one I will choose if I ever face it, but a friend already did.

Choosing the one that simply giving possibly light at the end of the road, though it was a silly thing to do, or daring, I might say.

How many of us facing such dilemma?

But since life is a process, you will never knew which one bring us to which kind of ending, I’m only in a position of supporting the decision maker, not questioning it. Because it’s his decision to be made, it’s his life to be made forward. I can only wish him the best of luck. May the power be with us, all the time. And hopefully, all is well…

Most people don’t give up on their dreams, they sell it piece by piece

February 07, 2012

Ryan Air - Boarding Pass - the travel continues


It’s amazing how being a nekad traveler in a strange country can push you into such an adventure you could never imagine. Di Paris, pagi-pagi buta hari itu, kami sudah ‘shuffling’ menuju terminal Bordeaux yang akan membawa kami ke airport Ryan Air. Menyusuri stasiun metro dan jalanan yang belum pernah kami kunjungi sama sekali di tengah cuaca yang begitu dingin. Kami berpatokan pada penunjuk jalan dan tentunya bertanya (daripada nyasar :P )

Langit Paris pagi itu masih serupa subuh di Jakarta padahal waktu sudah menunjukan pukul setengah tujuh pagi, yaiks. Untung saja ada beberapa orang traveler yang tampaknya menuju ke arah yang sama dengan kami, sehingga kami tidak benar-benar sendiri.

Ryan Air ini merupakan salah satu budgeted airlines terdepan di Eropa, tapi karena airportnya berada di ujung sekali dari wilayah Perancis, maka kami harus menggunakan shuttle bus untuk menuju kesana. Dalam perjalanan, saya baru ingat kalau saya lupa membawa Boarding Pass untuk perjalanan ke Italy, dan denda yang dikenakan adalah sebesar 40Euro jika kita tidak menyertakannya saat check-in. Oh no.. that amount of money sure ain't cheap when you convert it to IDR, especially when the ticket fares were only around 50Euro! Geeze..

There’s no way I am giving up my 40E without any effort! Jadilah tanya-tanya saya pada bagian informasi airport dengan bahasa Perancis yang pas-pasan ini, konon katanya ada internet + printing spot di area airport. Celingak-celinguk sambil nanya (lagi), ada yang menjawab, “No boarding pass? Oh no, you’re screwed, you have to pay bla-bla-bla” >> helpful banget ya! :D

Anyhow, setelah berkali-kali nanya sama orang, we found the spot. Bonusnya, susunan keyboard computer sana cukup jauh berbeda dengan yang dipakai di Indonesia, belum lagi password email saya cukup complicated :P. I was gonna giving up, but then after several attempts and long last breathtaking, I manage to access my email, then print the 40Euro worth it Boarding Pass, Yeay!! Mission avoiding the 40E fines succeeded.

Moral of the story: never forget your boarding pass as you’re flying and try not giving up even though there’s sound demotivating you to achieve your goals :)

ps: breathtaking is truly helpful facing a stressful situation :D