February 16, 2012

Underworld - Awakening

Well, this is the reason why such movie is not really my-genre.

At the beginning of this movie, you will be presented with quite an action and a great performance by Kate Beckinsale, physically. Several execisive blood spills here and there, then followed up with thrilling, as usual, Lycans appearance.

The movie flows to a quite surprising conflict, the idea is ok, but the actualization of such idea is a different case. It seems for me like a combo of Exorcism and vampire/monster like movie. Though the background view and graphic of this movie is awesome, especially when you watch the 3D version, it seems unfulfilling and bit of anti-climacs for this Underworld series.

Not forget to mention that this one only last for less than an hour and a half, but since there are quite lot of surprising scene, the good surprising kind, then I could probably recommended this movie for couples out there (just in case the girls want to pretend frightened by the scene and steal a hug from the partner :P)

In summary, I’ll give it a rate 5.5 of 8 :)

February 13, 2012

Life - Again..

Since this life is an ongoing process, so yes, I might continue discussing this matter and my theory on it.

Do you remember that, might be in your lowest part of your life, in which you made a simple joke and swore on yourself that you will never do a thing that could possibly be the worst thing ever happen to you or one of your friend, in the future, closely related to what is happening in current period of time??

I remember one of my best friends and I do such thing :)

And back to present, that horrible thing ever imagine come to your life as an option of a choice that seems to be leaving you in a hard position. So you stuck in between, whether you keep living the life you dislike, or choose that other choice. Which one will you be picking up?

That one horrible choice might be giving you the light at the end of the road, instead of keep living in the same constant road you’ve been pathing in.

I honestly don’t know which one I will choose if I ever face it, but a friend already did.

Choosing the one that simply giving possibly light at the end of the road, though it was a silly thing to do, or daring, I might say.

How many of us facing such dilemma?

But since life is a process, you will never knew which one bring us to which kind of ending, I’m only in a position of supporting the decision maker, not questioning it. Because it’s his decision to be made, it’s his life to be made forward. I can only wish him the best of luck. May the power be with us, all the time. And hopefully, all is well…

Most people don’t give up on their dreams, they sell it piece by piece

February 07, 2012

Ryan Air - Boarding Pass - the travel continues


It’s amazing how being a nekad traveler in a strange country can push you into such an adventure you could never imagine. Di Paris, pagi-pagi buta hari itu, kami sudah ‘shuffling’ menuju terminal Bordeaux yang akan membawa kami ke airport Ryan Air. Menyusuri stasiun metro dan jalanan yang belum pernah kami kunjungi sama sekali di tengah cuaca yang begitu dingin. Kami berpatokan pada penunjuk jalan dan tentunya bertanya (daripada nyasar :P )

Langit Paris pagi itu masih serupa subuh di Jakarta padahal waktu sudah menunjukan pukul setengah tujuh pagi, yaiks. Untung saja ada beberapa orang traveler yang tampaknya menuju ke arah yang sama dengan kami, sehingga kami tidak benar-benar sendiri.

Ryan Air ini merupakan salah satu budgeted airlines terdepan di Eropa, tapi karena airportnya berada di ujung sekali dari wilayah Perancis, maka kami harus menggunakan shuttle bus untuk menuju kesana. Dalam perjalanan, saya baru ingat kalau saya lupa membawa Boarding Pass untuk perjalanan ke Italy, dan denda yang dikenakan adalah sebesar 40Euro jika kita tidak menyertakannya saat check-in. Oh no.. that amount of money sure ain't cheap when you convert it to IDR, especially when the ticket fares were only around 50Euro! Geeze..

There’s no way I am giving up my 40E without any effort! Jadilah tanya-tanya saya pada bagian informasi airport dengan bahasa Perancis yang pas-pasan ini, konon katanya ada internet + printing spot di area airport. Celingak-celinguk sambil nanya (lagi), ada yang menjawab, “No boarding pass? Oh no, you’re screwed, you have to pay bla-bla-bla” >> helpful banget ya! :D

Anyhow, setelah berkali-kali nanya sama orang, we found the spot. Bonusnya, susunan keyboard computer sana cukup jauh berbeda dengan yang dipakai di Indonesia, belum lagi password email saya cukup complicated :P. I was gonna giving up, but then after several attempts and long last breathtaking, I manage to access my email, then print the 40Euro worth it Boarding Pass, Yeay!! Mission avoiding the 40E fines succeeded.

Moral of the story: never forget your boarding pass as you’re flying and try not giving up even though there’s sound demotivating you to achieve your goals :)

ps: breathtaking is truly helpful facing a stressful situation :D